Miss Yoga Mel - Down Dog - Black & White


I am qualified as a Vinyasa Yoga Flow teacher, Yin Yoga teacher, Menopause Yoga and Children’s Yoga teacher.


“Vinyasa yoga teaches us to cultivate an awareness that links each action to the next—on the mat and in our lives”

Shiva Rea

Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a creative form of yoga. Yoga poses are linked together with the breath in a flowing sequence.

My Vinyasa Flow Yoga Classes combine a number of breath techniques (pranayama),creative standing flow sequences, inversions, arm-balances, seated sequences, guided savasanas and inspiring quotes.

The atmosphere I aim to create in my classes is both meditative and joyful. The classes intelligently weave together elements of all of the different styles of yoga that influence me through my practices of Vinyasa Flow, Forrest Yoga, Jivamukti and Yin Yoga.

Frog Lotus Yoga
· 200 hours. 2014
· 75 hours. Advanced. 2017


“In general, a yin approach works to promote flexibility in areas often perceived as nonmalleable, especially the hips, pelvis, and lower spine.”

Paul Grilley

Yin Yoga is a deeply relaxing and rewarding style of yoga that concentrates on the connective tissues, ligaments and fascia of the body. Holding longer, floor based poses allows us to let go of muscular tension and completely surrender into each pose, promoting increased flexibility and range of motion.

My Yin Yoga Classes are often themed by season, working with the with the Five Elements system. The Asana is floor based with or without props. Yin promotes a level of mindfulness through carefully guided breath work, explanation and poetry. The benefits of Yin yoga are endless from reducing stress, ensuring a better range of motion in the joints and reducing anxiety. With mindfulness we learn the tools to be still and non-reactive, promoting better sleep and energy flow.

· Rise & Shine Yoga. 60 hours. 2017
· With Yin Yoga Anatomy Module. 60 hours. 2019


I trained with the unique Yoga Beez in London in 2017. The Yoga Beez method incorporates the core values and teachings of Yoga, Mindfulness and Montessori to educate, empower and exercises the WHOLE child. All classes are designed to stimulate physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. The philosophy is built on a foundation of respect for the child as an individual and creative being.

These classes are also suitable for Birthday parties, Pre/Prep schools and Children’s clubs.

Yoga Beez. London Foundation Course. 40 hours. 2017

Miss Yoga Mel - Sukhasana